Tony Mallette felt immense relief from his lower back problems and he also experienced improved mental well-being after undergoing just three treatments at Neuragenex. Tony’s wife, Linda, who has been experiencing chronic back pain and neuropathy, also showed improvement in her feet and legs after seven months of treatment.
Both are optimistic about their ongoing progress and are looking forward to further improvements. We have a video of their testimony from March of 2023.
Let’s find out what they have to say:
Tony: The reason I came for treatment here is I have lower back problems. And I’ve had three treatments now. [And right after the first treatment], before the first treatment, I would shuffle when I walk ‘cause of so much pain. After the first treatment, the next day, I’m out in the yard weeding, which I wasn’t able to do before.
I’ve had my third treatment today, and as I stand here right now, 90% of the pain is gone. I have also a lot better mental attitude since I reduced that pain. I’m not as in a depressive mode as I was before. I’m a lot happier and getting a lot more fulfillment out of life right now.
So, my wife is gonna start next.”
Linda: “Okay. I have neuropathy and I’ve had constant back pain for a long time. And I’ve been coming for about seven months, and I have noticed improvement also in my feet and my legs. And I’m walking better and I’m looking forward to the rest of the treatments and more improvement.”

This is what Tony has to say:
Tony: “Okay, when I first came to Neuragenex for treatment, I was walking with a shuffle because the pain was so bad in my back that that’s all I could do: just walk with a shuffle. Had my first treatment. That night, I rested better than I had rested in a long time.
The next morning when I woke up, about 95% of the pain was gone and I was able to go outside weeding, which I hadn’t been able to do that in a long time. And ever since then, it’s been a slow progression but I feel less pain as time has gone on and with more treatments that I have. I’m about 95% pain-free now.
Now, my next goal is to start strengthening my legs. I had a knee replacement done, and with the back pain that I had, I was inactive for about six months or longer. And so I have developed weakness in my legs.
And now with some of the coaching that I’ve had here at Neuragenex, I was talking about walking a mile a day, two miles a day, and progressively increasing the distance. They tell me, “No no no, don't do that. Start out for 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes for the first time. Walk like that for a couple of weeks, and then go to thirty minutes, and just increase the time when you go out for a walk. Don’t worry about how far you go.” They said, “The pace doesn’t matter either, just walk.”
And that’s a good tip for anybody that’s got atrophy in the muscles and in the back, which is what I had.
I want to go back to playing golf again. And I was pretty much a scratch golfer at one time. And I haven’t been able to swing a golf club and go out and go play. And now I think I’m almost at the point where I think I want to take the gut up and just go do it.
I went fishing. The first time I had really gone fishing [was] last week. I spent four and a half, five hours out in the boat, caught a few fish, and came back in. My back gets tired and I started developing tired aches in my muscles because of the lack of strength that I have in my back. But I didn’t have pain from the spine and going down in my legs, which I had before, which is really awesome. So, I’m back on the fishing boat now.
They need to get in here and do it, period. And don’t hesitate if, as I understand it, these treatments are slow in progression. Some people get discouraged because it’s not immediate for them. But if you keep going and keep doing the treatments long-term, it’s gonna help. There’s no doubt in my mind that it will help you, it’ll help almost everyone.
And listen, I was so blessed that I started this because I had minor times where I was depressed. It’s depressiing when you’re in pain and you can’t really be active like you want to be. And my whole outlook on life and everything is really turned around now.
The staff is great. They hustle. They’re working hard. They’re attentive. From what I can tell, [they’re] very professional, all of them. Well trained. It’s a very clean environment here. I feel it’s a very safe environment which is important to me. And looking forward to going on with every treatment that I can get. As a matter of fact, I don’t want it to end. I want to keep going forever if that’s what keeps that pain away. I don’t want it to come back.
On the first visit that I had, I was skeptical because I’ve dealt with the pain for so long. When I say so long, it’s probably about a year. And I went to see several different doctors and I was skeptical.
And when I went to the first treatment, you know I said, well how can this really help, you know? It’s kind of hard to comprehend. It does work from the standpoint of not being invasive, the procedure that is done. It doesn’t debilitate you and they don't have to put you under anesthetics.
There’s no surgery or anything like that involved and that makes me wonder if it really works. And after that first treatment, I tell you, it turned me around to where I’m very confident in going forward with much more, much more.
When I first came in, the pain level that I had was at least 8, possibly a 9. And now, my pain level is less than 2. I have a little bit, just a little touch of pain. But it’s not debilitating pain at all.
And I’m a lot more active now than I used to be. I go out on my tractor at the ranch and work with my tractor now. I do some things out there that.. I don't pick up fifty-pound feed sacks, though. I don’t do that anymore.
I enjoy the relationship with Dr. Gerber. He’s a super guy, he’s got an outgoing personality. One of the days we were sitting around and talking about having lunch, and I asked Dr. Gerber, I said “Can I borrow 50 dollars for lunch?”.
And he said, “Well, where do you eat lunch?”. And I said, “Well, at the best place in town. And I was gonna get a lobster if you’d lend me the 50 dollars.” And he said, “Well, you might have to go with a hamburger.” I had fun here and I have good coffee.
I love it. That’s it. Anything else would you like to add?
I appreciate very much, Neuragenex coming to Victoria. And I’ve been blessed because they did come here. Otherwise, it would not be very good for me, long term. Thank you"
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