Patients can now stay on their blood thinners and treat their chronic pain thanks to Neuragenex Neurofunctional Pain Management.

Cardiology Medical Specialty

Cardiologists know the risk of taking their patients off blood thinners for invasive procedures like spinal implants and spinal ganglion block injection procedures. The threat of clots or strokes may be, at times, too great to give a green light on procedures that are designed to relieve pain or mitigate other symptoms. It may be an easy call from a purely medical standpoint, but what if you recommend a treatment option that doesn’t depend on taking that risk?

RELATYV offers treatments that can treat chronic pain conditions, and other problematic symptoms, without the need to take patients off blood thinners or other heart medications. Neuragenex Neurofunctional Pain Management protocol is in alignment with cardiology safety and is non-chiropractic, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, and non-surgical. Consider RELATYV as your first option referral destination for chronic pain treatment.

  • Refer patients to us who are in pain but need to stay on their blood thinners and other heart meds.
  • Eliminate the risk of clots associated with being off blood thinners
  • Your first option referral destination for chronic pain treatment that is in alignment with cardiology safety

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