
Muscle Spasms In The Armpit

Understanding Why This Happens

Muscle spasms can come on suddenly, and when they occur under the armpit or as muscle spasms in the armpit, they can really be uncomfortable or painful. You might be curious about what causes this irritating symptom and if it’s something to worry about. Don’t worry; we’re here to explain.

Remember when you last felt a muscle spasm or cramp? It can be alarming, as it occurs without warning. Our bodies will sometimes send unexpected signals that cause involuntary contractions in our muscles.

Muscle spasms can affect any part of the body, including the delicate region beneath the arm. These spasms may appear as a fleeting twitch or a long-lasting contraction, and while they may be unsettling, they are often harmless.

Yet, understanding why they occur and how they affect specific areas, such as the armpit, holds the key to addressing them effectively.

In the upcoming sections of this article, we will explore the factors that typically trigger these spontaneous contractions, as well as certain underlying medical conditions that may be associated with them.

We’ll also discuss the identifying signs that your muscle cramps may need further investigation, as well as some of the conventional treatment options available.

Additionally, we will introduce to you how Neurofunctional Pain Management techniques can help individuals find relief from this debilitating symptom without resorting to heavy medications or invasive surgeries.

Our goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of muscle spasms of the armpit, helping you make informed decisions about your overall health and well-being. Let’s begin by taking a closer look at the anatomy of the axilla (armpit) and explore what it can feel like when you experience a muscle spasm within this region.

Exploring The Axilla Region

While the axilla might seem like a small area, it plays a significant role not only in your body’s everyday movements but also in your daily functionality. Numerous complex systems, such as nerves, muscles, tendons, and lymph nodes, are located in this important area.

Major muscles that spread throughout the axilla include the coracobrachialis and pectoralis major and minor, which help the arm and shoulder bend and flex, move up and down, and rotate.

The biceps brachii, which runs from the elbow to the front of the shoulder, is also very important for movements like lifting, as well as rotating and flexing the forearm.

The subscapularis, the last extensive muscle of the axilla, is a crucial stabilizer that connects the upper arm bone to the shoulder blade and enables motions that bring the arm closer to the body.

Spasms of the armpit are likely to involve any of these muscles, where their coordinated function gets disrupted, and contractions occur unexpectedly. Understanding the intricate interplay of the muscles throughout the axilla helps us grasp why spasms can happen in this sensitive area.
Keep these muscles and their locations in mind as we explore the sensations, causes, and treatments for armpit muscle spasms. This might help you with pinpointing your specific symptoms and navigating their challenges effectively moving forward.



What Does An Armpit Muscle Spasm Feel Like?

Muscle spasms that occur under the arm can range from brief twitches to more unpleasant and persistent tightness. Generally speaking, the larger the affected muscle, the more severe the spasm. Some commonly described sensations include:

  • Sudden tightness: Imagine an abrupt onset of muscle stiffness that feels like it is involuntarily clenching.
  • Localized pain: Muscle spasms commonly occur with localized pain, such as a sharp sensation concentrated around the affected area.
  • Muscle twitching: In some cases, the muscle may flicker, rapidly contracting and relaxing, bringing a twitching sensation under the skin’s surface

These feelings may occur simultaneously or separately, but they can all be used to describe a person’s unique experiences with armpit muscle spasms.

In addition to understanding the individual sensations of tightness and discomfort, it’s beneficial to have an idea of what may have caused your symptoms. In the following sections, we’ll discuss potential causes that can lead to axillary muscle spasms.

Common Causes Of Muscle Spasms In The Armpit

Muscle spasms will often emerge as a one-off occurrence here and there. However, an increase in their frequency may indicate an underlying problem irritating the axilla’s nerves and muscles.

One of the main causes of spasms is fatigue or overuse of the muscles. This is often accompanied by electrolyte imbalance or dehydration that disrupts the muscle’s ability to function normally. Some other common causes include:

Nerve Compression

There are many nerves and nerve bundles within the area of the armpit. Spasms can occur if nerves become constricted due to internal conditions like thoracic outlet syndrome, shoulder dislocation, inflammation, and swelling, or exterior problems like incorrectly placed casts or prolonged use of crutches.

Electrolyte Imbalance

Many essential minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, are required for our muscles to function effectively. Muscles may spasm, contracting unexpectedly if there is a disruption in the balance of these elements.

Muscle Strain

Repetitive activities, heavy lifting, and abrupt movements put an excessive amount of stress on the muscles, which can result in muscle strain. Muscle spasms can be brought on by overuse and strain because they upset the muscle’s usual balance and function.


Sustaining an injury to one of the muscles within the axilla or any of the surrounding structures can result in tissue damage that leads to swelling and inflammation. Because of the irritation that this natural healing response causes, it can trigger spasms throughout the muscles close by.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are some of the most important structures of the body’s immune system, where they act as a battleground to fight off infections. Lymph nodes that become inflamed as a result of combating disease and infection can aggravate nearby axillary muscles and nerves, leading to muscle spasms.

When dealing with muscle spasms that affect the armpit, it is important to know that there are various medical conditions that may be contributing to this discomfort. These can include thoracic outlet syndrome, dystonia, and in rare cases, certain types of cancers.

We will explore these conditions in further detail, looking at how they individually can lead to axillary muscle spasms in the next section.

Medical Conditions Associated With Armpit Muscle Spasms

Understanding some of the medical conditions that may be associated with muscle spasms under the armpit can lead to appropriate diagnosis and better management of symptoms, promoting overall improved health and comfort. Let’s look at some of the medical conditions that are behind this distressing symptom in more detail.


Dystonia is a neurological disorder that can affect many areas of the body, including under the armpit. It leads to involuntary muscle contractions and spasms due to changes in the way that different parts of the brain’s nerve cells communicate with the affected area.


Certain types of cancers can result in tumors or growths throughout the axilla region, potentially affecting the thyroid glands. These intrude into the restricted space of this area under the arm, interfering with regular muscle movements and causing spasms.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The thoracic outlet describes the very small space between your collarbone and your first rib bone. Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a rare type of condition that occurs if the muscles in your chest, shoulder, or neck weaken, causing your collarbone to droop.

This may result in a number of nerves and blood vessels becoming pinched or compressed, resulting in TOS symptoms such as axillary muscle spasms.

When To Seek Medical Help

There are specific circumstances that warrant seeking medical attention for muscle spasms under the armpit. The ability to quickly recognize when to seek further assessment can lead to timely diagnosis of any potential underlying issues and appropriate treatment.

If you experience any of the following, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional:

  • Spasms that are severe, ongoing, or greatly impacting your daily activities
  • Spasms accompanied by tingling, numbness, or weakened muscles
  • Spasms that are also associated with other unsettling symptoms, such as breathing issues, chest pain, or altered levels of consciousness
  • A neurological disorder or underlying medical condition that may contribute to muscle spasms

Since every person’s experience with axillary muscle cramps is different, it’s important to talk about your concerns with a doctor, get a precise diagnosis, and have a customized treatment strategy developed. We will discuss some of the commonly prescribed treatments in the following section.


Conventional Treatment Options For Armpit Muscle Spasm

Although muscular spasms beneath the armpit are generally managed without intervention, there are some cases in which actions are necessary to treat uncomfortable symptoms. In severe or persistent cases, a doctor could suggest one or more of the following therapies:

Muscle Relaxants

Muscle relaxing medications can help relieve axillary muscle spasms by targeting the nervous system and depressing nerve activity. Drugs such as Valium and Ativan may be prescribed for short-term use to relax the affected muscles. They can provide temporary relief of acute, distressing episodes until the underlying condition resolves or subsides.

Nerve Medications – Anticonvulsants

Anticonvulsant medications are able to help reduce the pain signals of damaged nerves. For chronic cases of muscle spasms that are associated with a nerve condition, medications such as pregabalin or gabapentin may be prescribed to relieve ongoing pain and discomfort.

These drugs take a while to start working, so it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s drug titration guidelines until you see the desired results in order to lower the chance of side effects.

Trigger Point Injections

When it comes to muscle spasms, it is common therapy to address trigger points, which are locations where muscle fibers have knotted or become particularly sensitive. Trigger point injections involve a local anesthetic or medicine being injected right into the affected area.

This treatment helps relax the muscle and alleviate spasms and is a minimally invasive procedure that can provide temporary relief for localized muscle spasms.

Surgical Interventions

Surgery may be recommended to address an underlying structural concern that is leading to axillary muscle spasms, such as nerve compression or muscle imbalances. Surgical interventions carry risks and complications, so they are typically considered a last resort when all other conservative measures have failed.

With an understanding of conventional treatment options, it’s important to explore innovative treatments like Neurofunctional Pain Management, which can offer alternatives for relieving armpit muscle spasms.

By considering advanced alternative techniques, you can make informed decisions and select the most effective treatment path for your health.

The Neuragenex Neurofunctional Pain Management Approach To Muscle Spasm In Armpit - A Non-Surgical And Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment Protocol

The Neuragenex Neurofunctional Pain Management, offers tailored protocols that can effectively address the distressing and painful symptoms of muscle spasms. The specialized protocol focuses on stimulating the nervous system to mitigate inappropriate pain signals and providing long-lasting relief, as well as enhancing overall well-being.

Our comprehensive approach to treating muscular spasms under the arm combines the following methods without the need for drugs, chiropractic adjustments, or invasive procedures.


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IV Therapy

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Lifestyle Counseling

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Relieve Pain From Muscle Spasms In These Conditions

We specialize in reducing painful muscle spasm symptoms as well as the muscle spasms connected to peripheral neuropathy and its associated symptoms.

Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Treatment

We offer a unique and leading-edge approach to treating the burning, tingling, throbbing pain that may be associated with peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage. We have helped 100’s of patients, just like you, reduce their pain fast and get back to living...

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Ease The Discomfort From Muscle Spasms Under The Armpit

Spasms of the armpit muscles can be frustrating and extremely unpleasant if they persist. You can control your symptoms and improve your quality of life by being aware of potential causes and seeking the right care and treatments.

Conventional treatment options such as medications, injections, or in severe cases, surgeries can help individuals find relief while an underlying condition is addressed.

These solutions, however, can be extreme in character or involve the long-term use of drugs with potentially negative side effects. It is important to consider all treatment choices, including innovative therapies, to make long-term informed decisions about your health and well-being.

We are dedicated to providing competent and compassionate care, also offering Neuragenex’s Neurofunctional Pain Management plan to assist you in finding relief from muscular spasms. This innovative technique focuses on relieving pain, restoring health, and magnifying your quality of life without relying on drugs or invasive procedures.

With our expertise, you can find relief from muscle spasms under the armpit and embark on a path toward a more comfortable quality of life. Remember, your journey to wellness is supported every step of the way.