RELATYV Full Pain Package- 8 Weeks


Introducing the RELATYV Full Pain Package – an extensive 8-week program meticulously designed to provide comprehensive relief from discomfort. Tailored to address diverse pain management needs, this package combines advanced therapies, personalized coaching, and premium supplements to ensure lasting results. Say goodbye to discomfort and reclaim your well-being with the RELATYV Full Pain Package.

Product Details:

  • 8 EA/IV session once per week
  • 6 EA only sessions first 6 weeks
  • 2 Age tests before and after
  • 2 months coaching
  • 2 month supplements
  • No diagnostics

Product Includes:

EA/IV session once per week
8 EA/IV session once per week
EA only sessions first 6 weeks
6 EA only sessions first 6 weeks
Age tests before and after
2 Age tests before and after
months coaching
2 months coaching
month supplements
2 month supplements
No diagnostics
No diagnostics