RELATYV Biologic Age Score
Visit our LabCorp facility for a blood draw and reveal your age score through our RELATYV BiologicAge Score package. Benefit from a complimentary one-month subscription to Premium RELATYV as you journey towards wellness and health.
How The Blood Test Works
Efficient Blood Collection
Clients arrange appointments to visit a LabCorp facility for a blood draw. Upon arrival, a proficient phlebotomist adeptly collects a blood sample from the client.
Comprehensive Biomarker Analysis
The blood sample undergoes analysis for various biomarkers, including Albumin, Creatinine, Glucose (Fasting), C-reactive protein, Lymphocytes, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Alkaline Phosphatase (Alk Phos), and Total White Blood Cells (WBCs). Subsequently, the results of the blood test are processed through a proprietary algorithm crafted by RELATYV.
RELATYV Biologic Age score
The proprietary algorithm utilizes the biomarker data to compute the RELATYV Biologic Age of the client with precision and accuracy.
In-Depth Health Profiling
Discover how our blood test creates a detailed health profile, capturing important information to guide you towards better health.
Updated Plan From Certified Physicians
Transform your health with our personalized plan guided by Certified Physicians online. Our team of medical experts carefully examines your blood test results and creates a customized plan to improve specific areas. You’ll get easy-to-follow steps to boost your health, ensuring that your path to a younger biological age is backed by expert advice and medical knowledge.