RELATYV Partial Pain Package – 4 Weeks


The four-week RELATYV Partial Pain Package is meticulously crafted to alleviate discomfort effectively. This comprehensive program specifically addresses your individual pain management needs, seamlessly integrating advanced therapies and personalized guidance to ensure optimal results.

With a combination of electroanalgesia, IV therapy, personalized coaching, age testing and essential supplements, our package presents a systematic approach to effectively address pain and promote overall well-being.

Product Details:

  • 4 EA/IV sessions once per week
  • 4 EA sessions first three weeks
  • 2 Age tests, before and after
  • 1 month of coaching
  • 1 month supplements
  • No diagnostics

Package Includes:

EA/IV sessions once per week
4 EA/IV sessions once per week
EA sessions first three weeks
4 EA sessions first three weeks
Age tests, before and after
2 Age tests, before and after
month of coaching
1 month of coaching
month supplements
1 month supplements
No diagnostics
No diagnostics