RELATYV Lifespan Package – 4-Week Program


The RELATYV Lifestyle Package presents a comprehensive 4-week program centered around Neuragenex NFPM treatments. Within this program, patients can undergo four electroanalgesia treatments and select up to an additional four sessions of either electroanalgesia or IV Therapy for optimal pain relief.

In addition to these treatments, patients have the opportunity to undergo two blood age tests, accompanied by a month-long coaching program. They will also receive a month-long supply of supplements and access to regenethetics for the duration of the program. These combined elements aim to alleviate discomfort and enhance overall wellness over the four-week period.

Product Details:

  • 4 EA/IV Treatments
  • 4 EA Treatments
  • 2 Blood Age Tests
  • 1 month coaching
  • 1 month supplements
  • 1 months Regenethetics

Package Includes:

EA/IV Treatments
4 EA/IV Treatments
EA Treatments
4 EA Treatments
Blood Age Tests
2 Blood Age Tests
month Coaching
1 month Coaching
month Supplements
1 month Supplements
month Regenethetics
1 month Regenethetics